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WATER & OIL is an intimate reflection of the risk experienced in the Back of the Yard’s neighborhood. As we walk the streets we are reminded of the violence, the lives taken, and the families destroyed. The remnants are visible throughout, continually reminding me of those who are no longer with us but are around us. Their presence is felt in the parks, the alleys, the roads, and the walkways. Sadly, as I gaze at their belongings, I see through their eyes, I feel their pain, and I see their truth. As I pass these memorials, I feel what is happening to my people. I feel as if it happened to my family. I feel as if it can happen to me.

Elementos | 4827:4829
Pañuelo | 4830
Arteria | 4830
Sombra | 4828:4830
Agujero | 4830
Coagulos | 4828
Palpitacion | 4859
Pellejo | 1448
Espina | 1421
Turquesa | 4703
Escudo | 4830
Esqueleto | 4830
Aluminio | 4758
Herida | 4828
Bandera roja | 4828
Carne | 4827:4829
Pescuezo | 4828
Maroon | 4826:4828
Algodon | 4703
Piel | 1454
Poliéster | 1448:1450
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